Saturday 16 August 2014

What is Love

To be perfectly honest I’m not quite sure, I don’t think anyone is. When I was much younger I use to write paragraphs on my phone about how I was feeling and question why I felt like this. I use to type out text messages but I would never send them. I would simply save the message and move on. Occasionally I use to go back over and read them but by the time I would return to the messages my feelings would have changed completely. However up until recently there was one message I remember I always felt the same about, it was a message about love.
             I remember writing “What is love? I believe love is an artificial emotion created by those searching for hope and stuck in a deep depression.” I thought love was just a word thrown around so people had something to cling to when feeling glum. I didn’t believe there was such a thing. When I think about it now my feelings were raw and full of anger. I desired love. In my state I feared I would never achieve this. I felt inadequate. I know now being young, naive and narrow minded I was confusing love with romance.

            What is love? “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” Love is brave. Love is how a dog greets you when you come home. It is seeing a loved one return home for Christmas. Love is a number in your phone you know you can always call. It is a bond that is just as strong no matter how far away or how long since ye last spoke. Love is saying the right thing at the right time or just sitting in silence. It is the comfort of a friend in a time of need. Love it what keeps us going, without love we have nothing.  Without love we walk this earth alone.