A lot can happen over a short period of time, more can
happen over a long period of time. January 2013 I would never have predicted
what my life would be like now. I was struggling in school and training
morning, noon and night. I was not
exactly happy with my schoolwork and wanted to improve but I just had no
interest in the subjects being thought. I loved training and was on the senior
football team in school. I trained three mornings at half six and three
afternoons at half three. I could not imagine my life without sport. This all
changed over time!
I injured myself one game with
the school and immediately went to the school physiotherapist. I would
speechless when I was told I would have to write off the next twelve months of
sport. Nothing for a whole year! The first few months were torture. We had made
it to the semi final of the Corn Uí Mhuíri, and this was my last chance to grab
one more medal. But as a result of my injury I had to watch from the sideline.
We did not show our potential that day and were down three points with minutes
to go. In the space of an hour I watch all my hard work over many months come
to nothing I was devastated. The time spent pushing myself to new limits washed
away in seconds. All my time wasted as I watched in disbelief. How could so
much change so fast?
School was not how I had hoped
either. My pre results were disappointing to say the least. I became even more
disinterested in school, skipped days, didn’t do homework and it seemed the
world was pushing down on my shoulders. I could not hack it anymore I was
dropping out of school and joining the army.
Lucky enough there was no way in
hell my parent were going to let me throw the six years I spent in school, the
hours of study and homework I had done, down the drain. I stuck it out and I
must say it turn out pretty well for me. I’m not studying in Cork Institute of
Technology, I love my course and I am now beginning to dj. Fourteen months
later I am now fit to go back playing sport and it funny I’m not sure that’s
what I want anymore. It strange to think it was all I did a year ago and now it
has very little impact on my life.
Time is a strange thing it can be
long or short, it can drag or fly. But when it comes it goes and it gone for
good. You can look back and dwell or you can look forward to what is about to
come because you never know you might just need a change.