Monday 14 July 2014

My Bucket List

1: Skydive

A skydive would be something that I always had an interest in. It would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm pretty sure the only way you could describe skydiving is that it would be euphoric.  I can only imagine how I would be both petrified and excited during the journey to the clouds.  I often wonder if I got to the point of jumping would I back out, not a hope in hell! I mean of course it would be terrifying but once you land safely on the ground, the feeling would stay with me forever, and I could brag about it until the day I take my last breath.

2: Charity Work

It may not be on every bucket list but it is something I would very much like to do. I understand it would not appeal to everybody but to me it would. I hope someday I will be able to travel the world and experience different cultures and help those who are less fortunate.

3: Learn A New Language

I was never really much of a language person in school I regret to say. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy studying French in school due to a clash of personalities with my teacher.  When I look back at my time in school I wish I could have put in a better effort than what I did.

4: Complete A Triathlon

This is a new interest I have. Recently I was forced out of a sport I have played since I was five due to a certain condition. However this has not dampened my love for sport, I bought a bike and love cycling. I used to be a very strong swimmer when I was young but once again I regret to say stopped for a few years and I am only starting to get back into it. I will one day complete a triathlon and tick it off my bucket list.

5: Become A Father

This is without a doubt the most personal aspect of my bucket list. In my opinion becoming a father is not just having a child it is being a role model to my child, a friend, and see something I created happy and healthy. It may be a long time off but it does worry me I may be inadequate.