Saturday 16 August 2014

What is Love

To be perfectly honest I’m not quite sure, I don’t think anyone is. When I was much younger I use to write paragraphs on my phone about how I was feeling and question why I felt like this. I use to type out text messages but I would never send them. I would simply save the message and move on. Occasionally I use to go back over and read them but by the time I would return to the messages my feelings would have changed completely. However up until recently there was one message I remember I always felt the same about, it was a message about love.
             I remember writing “What is love? I believe love is an artificial emotion created by those searching for hope and stuck in a deep depression.” I thought love was just a word thrown around so people had something to cling to when feeling glum. I didn’t believe there was such a thing. When I think about it now my feelings were raw and full of anger. I desired love. In my state I feared I would never achieve this. I felt inadequate. I know now being young, naive and narrow minded I was confusing love with romance.

            What is love? “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” Love is brave. Love is how a dog greets you when you come home. It is seeing a loved one return home for Christmas. Love is a number in your phone you know you can always call. It is a bond that is just as strong no matter how far away or how long since ye last spoke. Love is saying the right thing at the right time or just sitting in silence. It is the comfort of a friend in a time of need. Love it what keeps us going, without love we have nothing.  Without love we walk this earth alone.

Sunday 10 August 2014

My Dream Job

In my opinion, a dream job would be something you enjoy, something fun and a job that pays well. Without a doubt my dream job would to be a DJ. Its fun, enjoyable and it pays extremely well. It is close to the most exciting job ever. You get to play in some of the most spectacular cities in the world and sell out some of the most amazing venues. Your whole life would be one big thrill. I have watched a few documentaries following DJ’s around the globe. One that stood out to me was “Chasing Armin”. It followed the life of Dutch DJ and music producer Armin Van Buuren and his crew. They travelled the globe playing in some of the best venues. The documentary gave you a backstage experience and showed you how a show was put together from assembling the stage to sound checks and to Armin mixing music. I know for a fact that life as a DJ would be one epic adventure. However I know this crazy party would not come without difficulties.

I understand that with this lifestyle it would be very hard to be healthy and this is a must in my opinion. Life on the go would be great fun but when the time comes to sleep I'm sure it would not be as easy as it would be at home in your own bed. Constantly on the go would be very tiring on both your body and mind. A few hours sleep every now and then if you’re lucky. Dimitri Vegas once tweeted that he played three gigs in three venues in two different countries. No one could deny how draining that would be. Life on the road would also be quite difficult. I would not be one to get home sick but when constantly on the road sometimes you just need family. Always missing birthdays and other special events would have an effect on you.

I would love to be a DJ because when I'm watching my favourite DJ’s I cant help but admire their energy. I watch it and imagine how good they have it. I love music and it is a passion of mine. Imagining myself playing on the main stage of Tomorrowland or U.M.F. Miami is something that gives me chills down my spine. Pleasing crowds of thousands must be one of the best feelings in the world. I couldn't imagine anything better. Certain aspects of some shows just look like so much fun. Steve Aoki throwing a cake at someone or Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike spraying champagne. It just all seems too good to be true. It's a job I'd love to experience.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

My Top Five Movies


The Shawshank Redemption is one of the greatest movies every made and many critics would agree. It conveys one of the most important messages in life. Andy Dufresne “Tim Robbens” befriends “Red” played by Morgan Freeman and asks him to smuggle a rock hammer into the prison. The movie follows the life of Andy on the inside and shows exactly how a huge task can be done bit by bit.

An amazing story 7/10 


Step Brothers is in my opinion one of the best comedies ever made. The plot alone is so bizarre you know you are in for a treat. Two 40 year old men living with their parents is just so idiotic you can help but laugh. The movie also casts two of the best in the business Brennan Huff played by Will Farrell and Dale Doback played by John C. Reilly.

Tummy crunching funny 8/10


Midnight In Paris is a very interesting movie and another one of my personal favourites. The movies questions would life be better before our own time? Have you wished you were born in a different decade? This is exactly what Gil “Owen Wilson” wonders when he finds himself reeling back the years and discovers himself in Paris in the 1920s. With dreams of living in Paris after he marries his fiancĂ©e Inez “Rachel McAdams” but with her against the idea what will he do?

A journey back in time 8/10


Dear John is a very worthy runner up. This is a movie I have watched time and time again and love it more and more every time I watch it. This is you typical “chick flick” based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. Its about a U.S. marine and the love of his life.  John played by Channing Tatum meets Savannah played by Amanda Seyfried on the beach on day and they hit it off. When John is deployed to secret locations the couple decides to exchange letter and follows the story from there.

Emotional roller coaster 9/10


Pearl Harbor is without a doubt my favourite movie by a country mile. It tells the story of two friends and their experience with World War II. It would be a shame to tell the story of the movie because nothing I say would give it the justice it deserves. All I can say is you are truly missing out if you have not seen it yet. It gets me every time. As a viewer you can only sit, glued to the screen.

Outstanding 10/10

Monday 21 July 2014

The Do's and Don'ts of College


1. Have a social life
College is a great place to meet new people and see things from different perspective. College is a place where you can start fresh, be who you want to be. Go out and enjoy yourself, most colleges suggest you to. There are plenty of social nights out in college from Fresher’s Week to RAG Week to make sure you do. These are fantastic opportunities to experience the social side of college so take them while you can.

2. Try something new
College opens up a world of opportunities you may have not had access to before. During the first few weeks of college there is a club and society day. This is a perfect way to experience something new. Try something out of your comfort zone because who know maybe you might enjoy it or even be good at it. There are certain clubs or societies you might not have been able to do before you came to college for eg. Surf Club, or Dj Society. From my own experience I joined Dj Society and now its something I do everyday and I have even turned it into a moneymaking hobby.


1. Neglect your studies
Don’t forget this is your main goal at the end of the day. You are coming to college to get a degree. So as fun as college may be your main objective is to learn. The last thing you want is to have regrets and repeats at the end of the year. The workload in college is not overwhelming but you do need to put in a lot of the effort on your own. When it comes down to it you are responsible for yourself and you cant go pointing fingers.

2. Make things harder than they have to be
This is the best advice I can offer you in my opinion. College is not going to be easy by any means, so take every chance to make it that bit easier for yourself. Go to class, pay attention and do your own bit at home. Organization is key. The more organized you are the easier it will be I guarantee you.

Follow these and I promise you will have a great year of college both socially and academically. That would be a successful year in my books.

Monday 14 July 2014

My Bucket List

1: Skydive

A skydive would be something that I always had an interest in. It would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm pretty sure the only way you could describe skydiving is that it would be euphoric.  I can only imagine how I would be both petrified and excited during the journey to the clouds.  I often wonder if I got to the point of jumping would I back out, not a hope in hell! I mean of course it would be terrifying but once you land safely on the ground, the feeling would stay with me forever, and I could brag about it until the day I take my last breath.

2: Charity Work

It may not be on every bucket list but it is something I would very much like to do. I understand it would not appeal to everybody but to me it would. I hope someday I will be able to travel the world and experience different cultures and help those who are less fortunate.

3: Learn A New Language

I was never really much of a language person in school I regret to say. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy studying French in school due to a clash of personalities with my teacher.  When I look back at my time in school I wish I could have put in a better effort than what I did.

4: Complete A Triathlon

This is a new interest I have. Recently I was forced out of a sport I have played since I was five due to a certain condition. However this has not dampened my love for sport, I bought a bike and love cycling. I used to be a very strong swimmer when I was young but once again I regret to say stopped for a few years and I am only starting to get back into it. I will one day complete a triathlon and tick it off my bucket list.

5: Become A Father

This is without a doubt the most personal aspect of my bucket list. In my opinion becoming a father is not just having a child it is being a role model to my child, a friend, and see something I created happy and healthy. It may be a long time off but it does worry me I may be inadequate.