Wednesday 12 March 2014


The world is changing so rapidly and sometimes I feel it is for the better. Although I must admit sometimes I wonder are people changing in the wrong way or is it just all happening too fast. Everyday I see changes, often the leaving me in a positive mood. And unfortunately there are some people reach a stage where they don’t want to change anymore. This is something that upsets me at times.
            When I see young teenagers I often wonder what they will they think when the look back on their youth? When I think back on mine I would not change a single thing I did. But to me I feel young people a growing up too fast. Today it is all about looking their best to try to attract a partner of a different sex or of the same sex. I feel their wasting their childhood there is plenty of time to find a partner when they are older. My youth was all about being care free I feel young people nowadays will not get to experience this time. Young people are putting the pressure of adulthood on themselves and are not taking the opportunity to be a child while they can.
            I see changes everyday mainly through social media and when I think in depth I see that the world is moving forward together as a unit and it is about time. Equality is a topic I would consider very important me. Discrimination of any kind should be abolished. No one is the same, everyone is different and why should that be a problem.  In my eyes it creates a dynamic society, an unpredictable society, a society I would love to be a part off.

            Finally I feel some people are too stubborn to see these changes and just turn a blind eye to it. This really frustrates me I have to say. Some people do not like change and if I was to guess why, I would say because most of these people are just afraid. I know the world needs change to move forward and the further we come as a generation, the better world we will leave for other generations to come. So I would encourage you to forget the past and look to the future with an open mind.